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YoungRPG allows Adventurers to choose from 3 base classes. These are not your standard type classes that you normally find in an RPG setting. Since the game does not have any violence, axe-wielding barbarians and stabby rogues would be out of place. Instead, the classes give strengths to certain skills that allow them to problem solve more effectively.

The Athlete

The Athlete uses their physical abilities to interact with their environment. Common types of Athletes are gymnasts, bodybuilders, and sports stars. If you were to compare them to a traditional RPG class, think warrior or fighter without the gear.

Athlete's Skills:

Athletic ability - Athletes are very strong and agile. They are able to do many actions requiring balance, strength, stamina. They can easily jump great distances and lift heavy things.
Team Player - Athletes make everyone around them better. They can choose to help another Adventurer with their actions, granting them an additional bonus to their roll.


The Artist

The Artist is a multi-talented Adventurer, who loves to sign, dance, or even paint pictures in a way that affects the creatures they interact with. There are many types of Artists, such as musicians, dancers, painters, even comedians. Bards would be their most comparative traditional RPG class, entertaining creatures with their musical abilities and charismatic charm.

Artist's Skills:

Mood changing - Using their instruments, voice, dancing skills, or other artistic abilities, they are able to enchant creatures in ways such as cheering them up or making them sleepy.
Persuasive - Artists are great communicators and can easily change a creature's mind. They are also great at telling jokes and gaining trust from strangers.


The Genius

Highly intelligent problem-solvers, Geniuses are Adventurers for the brainy type. They carry a bag holding an unlimited amount of potions (because science) that gives them a wide array of solutions limited only by their imagination. Genius types are medics, scientists, and detectives. Their ability to conjure potions would make them similar to mages and alchemists in traditional RPGs.

Genius' Skills:

Chemistry - Using their bag of unlimited potions, they are able to create concoctions out of thin air for any situation they are in. They can use potions that freeze, shrink, make slippery, and any other idea that comes to mind. Their only limitation is that they cannot create a potion that would physically harm a creature or an Adventurer
Investigative - Geniuses are naturally inquisitive and, well, hyper-aware. This grants them a bonus to their saving throws any time they encounter a trap, as they are more likely to see if before it happens and get out of the way

Adventurer Bonuses

Any time an adventurer performs an action, the Storyteller may tell them to roll for a skill check. The Storyteller has predetermined what roll they would need to succeed in their action. If the action corresponds with their type of class a bonus is also applied to the roll.


Let's say 3 Adventurers, each one a different class, come across a bolder blocking their path. The Artist says they attempt to climb over the boulder. The Storyteller finds this is a rather smooth boulder and hard to get footing on it, so it has a difficulty of 5. This means the Artist will need to roll a 5 or higher in order to successfully climb the boulder. The Artist rolls a 3, and so they failed their attempt. The Athlete attempts the same maneuver, but since climbing is a physical ability, they will get a +1 bonus to their roll. They roll a 4, and with the +1 bonus added brings them to 5, allowing them to successfully climb over to the other side, and they wait for the others. The Genius decides attempt something different, sprinkling a levitation potion on the boulder. Their roll of 6 +1 was more than enough to cause the boulder to float high, letting the Genius and Artist walk under it and meet up with the Athlete to continue their quest.