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How to Play

It is very easy to start a game with YoungRPG, and it can be played with as little as one parent/guardian and one child. The parent takes the role of the Storyteller, while the child is the Adventurer. More kids mean more adventurers, as they journey together on the same quest. Since the rules are stripped down and the dice rolls are simplified, a young person can start playing with little to no prior knowledge of how RPGs work. Here is all you need to play:
  • 2 Players (or more)
  • 1 d6 die for each player
  • 1 map

Playing the Map

In a nutshell, the game goes like this:

  1. The Storyteller describes opening scene and what you see around you.
  2. The Adventurers tell the Storyteller where they wish to move.
  3. While moving, the Storyteller describes any creatures they come across.
  4. The Adventurers can try to interact with these creatures by telling the Storyteller what they want to do.
  5. The Adventurer may be told to roll their die so the Storyteller can calculate whether the action was successful or not.
  6. The game continues this way until the objective of the map is complete.

A full map from starting dialogue to completion takes around 15-20 minutes, with about 5 or 6 interactions taking place. Often the Adventurers encounter a "quest-giver" near the beginning of the game who explains what the objective is. The adventurers often return to the quest-giver after the objectives have been completed and might even get rewarded at the end...

One more thing... traps

Aside from creatures, there may also be traps set on the map. Traps are different than creatures only in that each Adventurer rolls a "saving throw" to see if they can dodge or avoid the trap before it encloses on them. After this, the ones caught in the trap roll skill checks to see if they can get out of the trap, just like they would with a creature. The ones who avoided the trap can try to help their fellow Adventurers get freed from the trap as well.