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Player Manual

Welcome to the exciting world of YoungRPG, where imagination is the key to success. An endless world of possibilities await as you, the adventurer travel through the lands being unfolded for you by your Storyteller.

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Key Terms

Although YoungRPG plays very similar to other Tabletop RPGs, there are a few key terms that are different. Some of these terms are to reflect the differences this game has from others, while some are for the sake of simplicity.

Adventurer - This is your character in the game. One or more people may be adventurers in a single game, all listening to a single Storyteller who is directing the game.

Action - Something you do in the game.  Pretty much anything except walking around the map is considered an action, and most times actions require a skill check (die roll).

Athlete, Artist, Genius - The type of adventurer you are, also referred to as the Adventurer's class.

Storyteller - The one who describes what is going on in the game, while also controlling all the non-player characters, from quest-givers to creatures.  Known as the DM or GM in standard RPGs.

Map - The visual layout of the game environment, usually printed on letter paper.

Creature - The non-player characters your adventurer will interact with.

Skill check - When you perform an action, you are likely required to perform a skill check on that action.  This is done by rolling a die and having the Storyteller calculate how successful your action was.

Quest-giver - A special type of creature. Usually this is the first creature your adventurer meets at the beginning of a map, and sets the objective for the game.

Artifact - The special item your adventurer equips. Using this item when you perform your actions can grant bonuses.

Role of the Adventurer

Your adventurer is the character you play in the game.  You may only control your own adventurer and not anyone else's. Throughout the game, you will have your character attempt to do all kinds of things, from jumping over a wall, to painting a picture, to playing football with a spider! Most of these actions require you to perform a die roll, to which then the Storyteller tells you whether you successfully did the action or not.

You may choose one of 3 classes for your Adventurer.  This class represents what type of Adventurer you are, and helps you decide what actions to take.  The 3 classes are:

The Athlete - an Adventurer that is always on the move.  Athletes rely on their strength, speed, and balance when making actions.  Running, jumping, lifting, tightrope-walking, are all actions the Athlete would consider.
The Artist - a multi-talented Adventurer who loves to play music, sing, dance, and even draw and paint.  Their talents change creatures' moods and persuade them to see things your way.
The Genius - an Adventurer who wants to figure it all out.  Armed with a magical potion bag, they are able to conjure up solutions to their problems in the heat of the moment.

Class Bonuses

Any actions you make in the game may have a bonus applied to them if they happen to rely on one of the strengths your chosen class has.  For example, let's say a dragon is sitting in front of you blocking your path to where you want to go.  An Athlete may want to run and jump over the dragon; whereas an Artist might play a song that put the dragon to sleep; likewise,  a Genius might sprinkle a shrinking potion, either on the dragon or themselves, in order to easily get by.
In this example, there is nothing stopping the Artist or the Genius from trying to jump over the dragon, however they wouldn't get any bonuses to trying.  The Athlete would have a bonus applied, since jumping is one of  their class strengths.  The class bonus resides within the Artifact they carry, and indicates how much bonus is received for the action.

Beginning your Adventure

It is important to listen to the Storytellers opening dialogue.  This is where the setting is explained and what nearby things and creatures are within seeing distance.  Once the Storyteller is finished, they will then ask "what do you want to do."  This is where your adventure starts.  You can do anything, such as walk up to a creature, try to climb a wall, lay down and go to sleep, whatever you want (although the last one is pretty boring). It is advised to always act in a way that compliments your Adventurer's class.  Not sure what class to be?  Your Storyteller can help you with this.  Every time you want to do an action, you tell the Storyteller.  The Storyteller will tell you one of 3 things:

1 - you perform the action (and usually describes whether it had an effect on the creature / thing)
2 - you can't do that (like you want to give flowers to a creature when you don't have any)
3 - you need to "roll for a skill check" - this is where you roll your die and the Storyteller calculates whether you succeeded your attempt, and what affect it had on the creature / thing.