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Showing posts from November, 2017

Beta Test Round 2 - Double Trouble!

Maya volunteered to sit down for another game with me tonight, and this time Blake decided to join too. Since Maya is 6 and Blake is 3, it was interesting to see how each would respond to the same scenario.  Maya didn't want to backtrack through the first map to let Blake catch up, so with a quick adjustment, Blake was able to join the second map without missing anything crucial from the first.  Maya stayed with her Artist character, while Blake decided to go with an Athlete.  This is a good fit for him, as he is pretty physical when it comes to playing. They stuck together for the first part of the map, but once Blake figured out he could go it alone, he started to wander.  Shortly after, Maya was able to convince him to stay with her, and so he followed a little longer.  Then, they got trapped.  Maya failed her attempt to get free, but Blake was able to jump out and help her.  But not before taking another stroll around the library first.  They worked together for the rest of t

First Test Map Complete!

I decided to see if my kids wanted to try this new game I had been working on. My daughter, Maya - age 6, was instantly willing to participate. However, my 3 year old son was already immersed in a heavy game of playing with his toy cars, so he wasn't interested. Maya and I sat down at the dinner table, and I brought out the map and the little paper figurines I had just cut out and taped together. I had no idea what to expect. My daughter has never played any role-playing games, but she does have a great imagination. That is how I sold it to her; a game about using your imagination.  I think she liked the idea of being able to move around without having to roll dice and count steps. She seemed to grasp the concept of interacting with creatures and rolling to see if her musical abilities actually had an affect on them. She did get stuck on a spiderweb trap, and started rolling really low numbers trying to wriggle out of it. I almost lost her, but then she came up with a