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First Test Map Complete!

I decided to see if my kids wanted to try this new game I had been working on. My daughter, Maya - age 6, was instantly willing to participate. However, my 3 year old son was already immersed in a heavy game of playing with his toy cars, so he wasn't interested.
Maya and I sat down at the dinner table, and I brought out the map and the little paper figurines I had just cut out and taped together. I had no idea what to expect. My daughter has never played any role-playing games, but she does have a great imagination. That is how I sold it to her; a game about using your imagination.
 I think she liked the idea of being able to move around without having to roll dice and count steps. She seemed to grasp the concept of interacting with creatures and rolling to see if her musical abilities actually had an affect on them. She did get stuck on a spiderweb trap, and started rolling really low numbers trying to wriggle out of it. I almost lost her, but then she came up with a solution that got her out of the situation and complete an objective at the same time. In all, she completed the map, and seemed to enjoy the game, as she asked to play again. I told her the next time we play, she would be using the same character but on a different map and adventure. This is another foreign concept to her, but I think she is getting it!
